The law of causality
The law of causality

Many of these things are simple organization skills I learned from other successful people. There are specific things that I can identify that have led me to reach more of my potential.

the law of causality

There was a cause of those toxic relationships – my choice, and an effect – the toxicity. So if I was to seek an intimate relationship in the present day, I would know the type of person to avoid and the signs to look for in a person that might potentially lead me down that same path. If I look back on the relationships I've had in my life, I can identify at least three toxic relationships and the reasons why they caused me so much unhappiness. But if I stop my training immediately and don't run for six months, I will not be as fit and healthy. This is true for health and fitness, and for happiness and unhappiness.įor example: I'm quite fit the moment because I have been running weekly for a couple of years now. If we break our lives down and look back over our experiences is quite easy to identify that there are specific causes of success and specific causes of failure. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. If we continue to do the same things over and over again, we will get the same results. This in part ties into the law of attraction, which we'll save for another time, but it is absolutely true. I know that positive thinking and taking the appropriate positive action to complement that thinking is more likely to lead you to a positive place than negative actions and negative thinking. In the same way violence breeds violence. What I can talk about from experience is that I know with absolute certainty that negativity breeds negativity.

the law of causality

Every move is a choice, that choice is the cause, that cause has an effect. In that sense, the law of cause and effect is too simplistic. Others might argue that a bad conscious decision led me to be in that place at that time, perhaps a decision that happened much earlier in the day.

#The law of causality driver

I don't buy into the notion that everything that happens in your life is because of something you did right or wrong, because clearly sometimes things are out of your control.įor example: if someone mounts the pavement and runs me over, one could argue that the cause was me happening to be in that place at that specific time, and what caused the driver to mount the pavement was drinking and driving.īut I had no prior knowledge that this would occur, so how would I have avoided it? The premise is that everything happens for a reason, that there are no accidents, that we live in an orderly universe that is governed by law but not laws as we tend to think of them but rather natural laws. Sometimes it is referred to as the ‘iron law of the universe'.

the law of causality

It is not physically or scientifically possible for you to stay in the same place.Įven if you do not see the results immediately, you are still creating the positive habits and experiences that you will need to become the person who will attain that goal.The law of cause and effect is a very simple principle:įor every effect in your life there is a specific cause. If you wake up and immediately scroll Instagram for 30 minutes, you may become lazy, insecure, or even anxious (just an example).Īlso, if you were to take one action step towards your goal every single day, even if it is a small one, you would inevitably move closer to your end goal. If you meditate every morning for ten minutes before you start your day, you will become a more centered, calm, and focused person. There is no way that you can do anything without having something come of it. If you create an adverse action, you will experience a negative effect. Therefore, when you act towards your goals in a positive way, you will experience a positive result.

the law of causality

When you are working towards manifesting your desires, it is essential to understand that everything you do will have a directly related reaction. So, how does the law of cause and effect relates to the law of attraction? The Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Attraction If you kick a brick wall without steel toes on, you will likely hurt your foot. Anytime you do something, it will create a similar circumstance.įor instance, if you tell someone they are beautiful, they react with a smile and a feeling of joy. The law of cause and effect states that for every action, there is a resulting consequence.

The law of causality